Bugatti aus Alt-Bodelschwingh (May 2, 2013 ~ September 14, 2015)
SSCH3, IPO3, FH1, RH2 VA Ballack Zur Worringer Rheinaue X V Ayka aus Alt-Bodelschwingh
Bugatti was a kind and gentle spirit, who spent many hours playing with Tristian, our son.. Bugatti was the son of the well known Ballack zur Worringer Rheinaue, and he filled our lives with many laughs! Whether he was used as an illustration at church for the children's story or a bear chasing dog, watching over all the kids at summer camp, Bugatti always took his responsibilities to the highest level possible! A tragic loss to our family, we didn't see it coming.. he left us way too soon! Bugatti will forever be in our hearts! Fly with your butterflies, dear boy! May you soar on through your sons and daughters!